The Advanced Bobath Course in Barcelona - Day 1

It’s beautiful morning in Barcelona and I have plenty of time to get to clinic. Feelings are very excited for the course and to get learn more about Clinical Reasoning and Specificity of Handling.

Programa del Curso Avanzado de Bobath… uups! Just a little mistake which was fixed with new copies in EnglishJ
The first day at the course was tough. Everyone else could speak Spanish except me and Lynne (the instructor). There was also Rafa, the translator who tried to help me when the discussion went into their motherlanguage. Also the patients who we met in the afternoon were talking Spanish, just some of the younger patients could speak English which was nice.

Shortly about the first lesson by Lynne Flecher;
* The aim of the course was to discuss and develop in depth both ”what” we do with our patients and ”why” we do it
* Clinical decisions are based on knowledge readily understood, readily recalled and commonly encountered.
* The abiliyty of therapists to read ”body language” is important in the construction of clinical reasoning. (What-why-how?)
* And about the assessment/treatment interaction; constantly assessing the influence of intervention at the level of the task, environment or individual – therefore assessment and treatment are interactive and integrated.

”There might be puzzles missing in the jigsaw, but we should consider if they are remarkable or just sky puzzles which are not so important in the hole picture.”

During the day we had patient demonstration by Lynne and then own treatment sessions in pairs. My pairings was a bit difficult because the language problem but lovely Raquel from the clinic was chosenJ. She has also two earlier advanced courses done with Bettina Paeth and Lynne.

It’s been long but teachful day. I need to reorganise my notes and I’ll get back to them later this week.

Last but not least… remember postural control, go for symmetry and help the patients with alignments!

Relaja! Relax!


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