Current assumptions - Bobath

It is always a privilege to meet Mary Lynch-Ellerington and see her working with the patients. Her knowledge about neurophysiology, motor learning and neurorehabilitation is remarkable. Her facilitation skills are precise, spesific and they produce positive results.
People have often asked me about my studies and why Bobath is so special for me. I've studied a lot, but now I finally get more answers and explanations why something happens. It is also easier to explain for the patients what we are doing and what should be achieved for better locomotion. It's not just an intervention and it's not just repetitions, but it's individualized, problem solving and living concept. The approach includes the whole ICF while treating the patients.

Current assumptions (
The CNS is a complex organisation consisting of systems and
subsystems. It uses a shifting focus of control depending on many
biomechanical, neuroanatomical and environmental issues.
The CNS and neuromuscular system can adapt and change their
structural organisation in response to intrinsic and extrinsic information i.e.
they are plastic.
The manipulation of afferent input can directly effect a change
in the structural organisation of the CNS through spatial and temporal
summation and the facilitation of pre and postsynaptic inhibition.
Changes within in the structure of the CNS can be organised
or disorganised producing adaptive or maladaptive sensorimotor behaviour.

Selective movement control of the trunk and limbs, both
concentric and eccentric are interdependent and interactive with a postural
control mechanism.
The recovery of selective movement is a prerequisite for
efficient postural control, alignment, and function.
Rehabilitation is a process of learning to regain motor
control and should not be the promotion of compensation that can occur
naturally as a result of a lesion and also as a result of therapy.
The cellular mechanisms underlying learning are the same
mechanisms that take place during the development, refinement, and re-learning
of motor control. These mechanisms can result in long or short-term learning
i.e. carry-over or no carry-over.
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