Visiting, working and teaching in Germany

Last fall, almost at Christmas, I had three weeks of visitation in Germany. I was working as a physiotherapist in Kassel at Schulungszentrum, and doing my 3rd assistantship as a Bobath Instructor candidate in Leer.
The first week was fantastic and the time was running like crazy! I enjoyed the praxis I was working in and all the patients working with me. All the patients had their specific and individual goals and lots of motivation and we really had fun while working. Most of the patients had a stroke, but I also had patients with MS and/or ataxia. My bosses, Adrian and Anders, were very nice and hospitable to me and it was easy to enjoy the moments with the bosses, but also with the group of physiotherapists, and occupational and speech therapists. In the praxis, I had new and high-quality equipment for therapy and also some extra help with translations. Here are some pictures of that week and working moments:

After the first week, I took some time to relax and get prepared for my 3rd Basic Bobath course assistantship in Leer. On Saturday I went for a walk to visit the Herkules statue, which is near the city center. In the evening I had the possibility to enjoy the sauna, but it's weird how hot the saunas in Germany are! On Sunday I traveled to Leer by train. It is pretty exciting to change the train when you have just a few minutes, a very big suitcase and don't know which way to run! Anyway, I arrived at Leer in time and then walked through the small city to my apartment, which was located in an old house, with a room in the attic and no elevator.. Anyway, the apartment was really nice and it was only a few hundred meters from the Jugend Hostel, where the course was going to run. The Basic Bobath course was held in German but translated mainly into English for me. I was teaching in English and of course, I learned a lot of German words also while the week. For me, the week was very stressful and it took time to get in the pace. My week included patient demos, workshops, and teaching practicals. I think the most stress came from language issues. When you need to think in Finnish, translate it into English and then vice versa, but I think you get used to it as time goes on. Participants were great and they really did their best with learning and working with the patients. Here are some pictures from Leer and the course:

The last week was a bit shorter than the first one in Kassel, where I returned for three days to work. Before flying home, I still had a chance to meet my patients and week kept working together. It was a nice time and you also could feel Christmas coming. Lots of chocolate and sweets in the kitchen, some small gifts from my patients, and I also had a small break and time to visit the Christmas market in Kassel. I hope to visit the Schulungszentrum Kassel again in the future, and I hope all the best for co-workers and patients there. You made my visit awesome and very enjoyable - thank you!

I hope you all readers a happy new year 2023!


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