To be or not to be - two years with covid

It has been tough times, almost two years with covid. It's really making everybody's life difficult and uncertain. Of course, I hope everyone could be safe and healthy without the virus, but I think it's difficult. People are getting sick and healthcare is under pressure all over the world. I hope every one could get the vaccination and at least minor influences of the virus or not at all. But this is new normal and we should still go on and live.

How does it affect to my life or work? 

Well, first of all, I returned to my work from a long sickleave, the longest in my life ever, when covid-19 started to spread. I love my work and it was truly uncertain times in spring 2020. At first all rehabilitation and physiotherapy was ordered to stop. What the hell?? How was my patients going to survive? They'll live, but how was the quality of life?

I didn't stop the therapies and also others kept doing their work after first shock. We needed to be extremely careful with the cleanliness, hand hygiene, wearing the masks and we also did written agreement with the patients about the rules and regulations in the clinic. We also tried to avoid connections outside the clinic as much as possible. And with all these extra arrangements, I haven't been a day off my work because of covid. My work is my passion and I'm extremely happy that it has been possible to continue with my patients all this uncertain times. We've been healthy and we are all vaccinated twice today, waiting the third.

My other job as teaching neurological physiotherapy for physiotherapists and occupational therapists has had more headwind. All courses has been canceled or delayed. My 2nd assistantship in Toronto was canceled and I'm still missing to go there and meet my colleagues in Physiologic Toronto. In fall 2021 I've been teaching a lot in Oulu and also crashed my fathers car there.. I guess it was just my eagerness and fast car which caused this dramatic car accident. Sorry to my dad. But anyway, it was promising times and we had lots of fun with the group from Fysios and also with the Basic Bobath Course participants. And then it happened again, covid situation got worse and our last week with Bobath Basic Course needed to postpone to February 2022. This Bobath Basic Course is now my 2nd assistantship as an instructor candidate and I truly hope to finish it in Feb. I'm also planning with Doris, my mentor from Germany, to assist her next year in Leer, northern Germany. So fingers crossed.

Anyway it's hard to keep on going with the work to become a Bobath instructor. When you start the process, it would be easier to keep on going and working with it little by little. Now you need to start the engine again and again, and it also needs more effort to keep the focus and motivation in the process. I started my journey in IBITA about two years ago and after that, I haven't had the chance to go abroad and do my assistantships. If it's normally around six to eight years to get qualified, I think now it's gonna be at least ten years. Ugh. 

I was elected a board member of the
Finnish Association of Physiotherapists
In the picture me, Marko and Aino
Because my passion for my work is still here, I'm not worried for the future. The process to becoming an instructor is going to be tough and long anyway, so I need to be patient. Hope to be ready some day. I hope all my colleagues and other instructor candidates all over the world who are in the same situation can enjoy their time at work and hope to see everyone soon, maybe in Brescia in February.

Merry Christmas!



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