The first - No. 1
The Amazing Brain - why this blog?
The nervous system is a complex, highly
specialized network. It organizes, explains and directs interactions between
you and the world around you. The brain is at the center of the nervous system
and is the most complex of biological structures. Brain and nervous system
problems are common and can include many different diseases and disorders. Many
can affect one’s memory and ability to perform daily activities.
In my blog there's gonna be stories about my studies and work with neurological patients. This is my journey to better understanding the human brains.
I am a physical therapist from Finland and interested to do my best with neurological patients and their rehabilitation. I've worked in public and private sector and last 5 years worked in my own company. I've studied Bobath Basic course 2011 and Bobath Advanced courses 2012 and 2015. I've had course about how to integrate Neurodynamics to neurorehabilitation (INN). And in May 2016 there's gonna be an amazing chance for me to meet spanish colleagues in Barcelona and learn Advanced Bobath course with them. Course leader is Lynne Fletcher from UK.
So this blog is my way to speak about stroke or TBI or other neurological diseases and what I've learned or done in my work. I hope that you comment and share your thoughts and questions so I can learn also from you guys!
Sincerely yours,
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