
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2016.

Mitä teen ja miksi? Miten voisimme olla vielä parempia kuntoutuksen ammattilaisia?

Kiitos kollegat! Tämä blogi on ollut haastava kirjoittaa. Olen pohtinut oman työni tekemistä, sen vaikuttavuutta ja mahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa. Olen keskustellut usean kollegani kanssa työstämme avh- ja aivotraumakuntoutuksessa sekä yleisesti neurologisten kuntoutujien parissa. Halu tehdä vaikuttavaa fysioterapiaa on positiivinen haaste meille jokaiselle ja on ihana huomata että on useita kollegoita lähellä, jotka ajattelevat samoin.  Valintojen edessä? Neurologi Mika Koskinen on jo pitkään tuonut esille asiaa aivoverenkiertohäiriöiden akuuttihoidon hienosta tasosta Suomessa, mutta peräänkuuluttanut myös heikkoa kuntoutusinterventiota akuuttivaiheen jälkeen. Harva kuntoutuja saa tarvitsemaansa moniammatillista kuntoutusta oikea-aikaisesti ja riittävän intensiivisesti, ja toiset eivät saa sitä lainkaan.  http://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2015/02/09/avhn-hoito-hyvaa-kuntoutus-kangertaa Asiasta on puhuttu jo useiden vuosien ajan ja itse pohdin tätä asiaa ...

Rainy Madrid but excellent days for studying

In the morning It is the second day in advanced Bobath course in Centro Lescer and the second rainy day in Madrid. I was lucky, because my hotel had ONE umbrella in their closet! While we are studying and practicing, it is quite the same if it’s raining or not.  Hydrotherapy :) Anyway, these two days have been busy and full of neurophysiology and postural control and alignment and body schema and so on. These two days have been tough days for me, because I’m just a rookie in this connection making with function and neurophysiology. I’ve studied neurophysiology more for this years advanced courses, but still confused about so much information. I really start to realize how important it is to us to understand this nervous network with different kind of structures and feed forward and feed back systems. And because of this understanding, I also know now how important it is to get good postural setting before you can start to deal with the limbs. I think in our schoo...

In Madrid - studying and enjoying!

It wasn’t that bad sleep, but when your clock won’t turn immediately to local time, it can be tough to wait for the breakfast and get some coffee! Before leaving Finland many of my friends told me that I should enjoy Spain and Madrid while this trip. Okay.. Where to start? I have one day off duty, my hotel is near few golf courses (this I didn’t know before, no clubs with me), university area and Centro Lescer the rehabilitation center. This is not the deepest City of Madrid, but I try my best when the sun comes up! But in the early hours this morning I had time to read one article from Journal of Hand Therapy. It was about neural plasticity and implications for hand rehabilitation after neurological insult. It is known that the brain maintains a capacity for functional and structural changes throughout life. Neuroplastic changes occur in every structure in the entire neural axis and this gives enormous possibilities and implications for rehabilitation after spinal, peripher...

On my way to Madrid!

It’s already autumn and the course in Madrid is almost there! It is time to orientate to “London” language and get used to Spanish culture and schedules. Long days coming in Madrid next week! I have read only two articles and still few to come. The issue is very interesting in the course; Functional recovery of the upper limb and hand. The course is organized by Ibita the International Bobath Instructors Training Association. The course instructor is Mary Lynch-Ellerington and she is assisted by Miguel Benito Garcia, basic course instructor. The course is in rehabi litation center Centro Lescer, in Madrid. More info http://www.centrolescer.org/ We have four articles to read before the course. The first article I’ve read was about the recovery of the upper limb and hand from the stroke survivors perspective. It was qualitative study, which was made in Australia to survivors (19) and their spouses (9). This study gives very valuable information for us, therapists, about stroke...